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The Olympic Torch: What Does It Look Like

To herald the start of each new edition of the Summer and Winter Olympic Games, a torch relay is conducted to bring the first spark of fire from Olympia, Greece to the venue of the host city.

Fire was first used by the ancient Greeks who kept a flame burning on the altar of Hestia in Olympia, Greece for its divine powers during Olympic Games. The tradition of using the Olympic Flame was introduced during the 1928 Olympic Games and has since been a regular feature of subsequent editions.

This involves a series of torch bearers who pass the symbolic flame through the streets of many nations until it touches base at the host stadium. It will stay lighted throughout the games and eventually extinguished in elaborate ceremonies.

The Olympic Torch is the symbol of the Olympic Games. What does it look like? As each host nation is entitled to new torch designs to differentiate itself, there are many versions out there. Here are just some pictures that can be shared under the Creative Commons license.

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