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Without Medal, Will Olympians Grumble?

In the first Summer Youth Olympic Games to be held in Singapore, organizers plan not to give out any medals. In addition, no records for the various age groups will be kept.

The idea is to focus on the non-competitive spirit of the games. Moreover, as it is the first ever Youth Olympic Games, there are no previous records to compare against. The IOC thinks it is unwise to physically push teenage bodies just to set world records.

“It’s not fair. Anyone who gets to be top three in an Olympic final should get a medal”, said Ling, my twelve-year-old daughter’s classmate who hopes to represent Singapore in the Youth Olympic Games in two year’s time.

I would consider this omission rather bizarre. When you race one another, someone will turn up first, second or third. The titles will be recognised. Why not present a medal of recognition for the athlete’s efforts like all other sporting events, especially at the Olympic level? Shouldn’t the authorities reconsider this stance? Without medals, winners will be deprived of a tangible sign of their achievement. Sure, winners can brag about their titles. But nothing beats a medal to symbolize their sporting excellence.

Without medals, will they be happy about this?

What do you think?

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