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Mascot of Singapore Olympic Youth Games (YOG)

A reader of Singapore Olympic Youth Games blog asked me what's the mascot of the 2010 Youth Olympic Games (YOG). All hosts of Olympics Games in the past have traditionally designed and produced a mascot to rally all athletes, officials, supporters and well wishers for their hosting of the Olympic Games. For the first Summer Youth Olympic Games (YOG) to be held in Singapore, there will certainly be a mascot or two.

As of today, however, there is no news yet on Singapore's Mascot for the world's first Youth Olympic Games (YOG). I am confident that it will be unveiled later in a grand ceremony to annouce this mascot's arrival.

I shall post the name, image, picture or photograph of the YOG mascot, once the official Youth Olympic Games website announces this piece of news. In the meantime, keep reading Singapore Olympic Youth Games blog to keep up to date.

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2 spectator(s)
  1. Anonymous October 23, 2008 at 10:54 PM  

    If I may guess on what is the mascot for the SYOG, it could be a youthful lion. Our soccer team is called the young lion. We are called the Lion City. And the color is probably red.

    Explore the world of mascots at http://www.globalmascots.com

  2. Anonymous July 20, 2009 at 12:41 AM  

    I was surprised no mascot was available in my search for my assisgnment project. We were writing about this prestigious event Singapore is hosting. Why till now no mascot is available yet? Hmm...

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